
Saturday, June 10, 2017

Clary and Tricolor Sage In June

June is When My Clary Sage Shows Off

My clary sage has been budding since May, and on June 1 I noticed it was in bloom again. All my clary sage here started from one plant in a pot. After the rains this year, many baby plants emerged far from the mother plant.  Theones in the photo below appeared in the side flower bed near the street. They are blooming. The clary sage is in the foreground at the center with large leaves and a large flower stalk. A black sage plant is in bloom behind it.

Clary and Tricolor Sage In June

Below is a different view that includes two other plant babies growing in the gazanias. They haven't matured enough to bloom yet.

Clary and Tricolor Sage In June

This is the mother plant, still in its pot, and fully in bloom.

Clary and Tricolor Sage In June

Here are a few more babies growing next to the walkway by the garage. They will be blooming soon. I see a bud. This section of my garden is all volunteer plants. The Lamb's Ears came from a mother plant across the sidewalk and has spread throughout this bed. It is also blooming now. I threw some iris bulbs I didn't have room for in the other flower beds into a cardboard box of shallow dirt in this back corner, and they decided to be happy there and bloom while I was waiting to find another spot for them. The pot contains mostly lemon balm.

Clary and Tricolor Sage In June

Tricolor Sage Blooms Between May and June

I was so busy this year, I almost missed it. That would have been a shame since I can't remember that it ever bloomed for me before, and I've had it for several years. I think it took all the rainfall we had this year to make it bloom. In the collage below, you can see how quickly the plant can bloom and fade.

What is your experience with sage varieties? Do you have a favorite?


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