
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Back to the Battle

Not much to tell today. Woke up earlier than usual and decided to get out to the garden early before it got hot. Began by transplanting yesterday's nursery purchases -- a carnation, some lemon thyme, a tri-color sage, and some chamomile. Then I watered everything in and began my battle with the weeds anew. I wanted to clear a portion of ground next to the fence in order to plant some cucumbers, which I did. Then I put some French Breakfast radishes on either side. I watered the newly planted seeds and then grabbed the hedge trimmers to go after the budding tops of the thorns. I knew I'd never be able to pull them all before they reseeded. But I did keep most of them from being able to propagate for a while.

All that work made me tired, so I think I'll just go to bed without getting philosophical tonight.

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